Dr. 安东尼•李 aleigh@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu
阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市. - 10月13日和14日, hundreds of 十大菠菜靠谱平台 alumni returned to their alma mater to celebrate the 2023 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 Homecoming. 美丽的天空为周末团聚增添了节日的气氛, 特殊的认识, 和 the opportunity for hundreds of visitors to experience 十大菠菜靠谱平台 for the first time. 这里是周末经历的回顾.
周五,利根教堂坐满了十大菠菜靠谱平台总统J. 卡梅伦·韦斯特宣布启动十大菠菜靠谱平台之心运动, a $17 million fundraising effort to build a wellness center in the heart of the 十大菠菜靠谱平台 campus. 一旦完成, the project located in the existing footprint of Pratt 和 Hanson Hall will include a third gymnasium on campus, 力量和调节设施, 室内步道, 还有一个室外游泳池. 有关十大菠菜靠谱平台之心活动的更多信息,请访问 www.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu/heart-of-十大菠菜靠谱平台.
Julia Russell Dining Hall was the scene as dozens of Golden Hawks walked down memory lane 和 feasted on a buffet of poppyseed chicken casserole, 青豆, 新鲜的沙拉, 还有各种核桃派和磅蛋糕. The Golden Hawks luncheon brings alumni who have graduated 50 years ago or more together for a time of reminiscing 和 fellowship. 1963届的毕业生人数尤其多, 1968年和1973年庆祝60岁生日, 第55和50届同学聚会, 分别.
Eight alumni of distinction were honored in Ligon Chapel Friday afternoon with the 2023 校友 Awards. 以下人士获此殊荣:
- Dr. 杰奎琳·特林布尔83届,艺术成就奖校友.
- Dr. Leah Nesbitt Kottyan ' 05,校友科学成就奖.
- Dr. William " Sonny " Bozeman 1967年,校友教育成就奖.
- The Honorable Terry Moorer ’83, 校友 Achievement in Law 和 Public Service Award.
- 夫人. Lucinda Smilie Chappelle ' 79,校友商业成就奖.
- 牧师. Emily Dueitt Kincaid ' 06,校友宗教成就奖.
- 夫人. Amy Woodard Klugh ' 96,校友忠诚奖.
- Dr. 德克斯特·迪恩,13届杰出青年校友奖.
校友 Board President Drew Harrell ’11 presided over the Fall meeting of the 校友 Board. 董事会有机会听取高级副总裁Dr. Anthony 利 about the strong Fall 2023 enrollment 和 the fundraising effort for the Heart of 十大菠菜靠谱平台 campaign. 他报了那8美元.1700万美元的筹款目标已经实现了500万美元. 校友会代表了各个年龄段的校友.
蒙哥马利乡村俱乐部举办了一个有趣的音乐晚会, 鸡尾酒, 为许多60年代和70年代的校友提供晚餐和谈话. A number of members of the class of 1968 和 朋友 ventured to the home of Mary George Jester ’68 for an after-party.
Young Hawks filled Moe’s BBQ on Fairview Avenue late into the evening on Friday while Rhett Butler ’13 和 朋友 played songs for all to enjoy. The 校友 Office was pleased that several lacrosse alumni were able to attend the event following the lacrosse alumni game instead of needing trips to the emergency room.
在周六, the Office of 入学 rolled out the scarlet carpet for over 150 prospective students 和 their families as part of the first 预览一天 of the Fall semester. Friendly student tour guides led our special visitors around campus on a day with Chamber of Commerce weather. 如果你认识一个适合十大菠菜靠谱平台的学生, 请鼓励他们参加11月11日的下一个预演日.
Five new plaques were added to the 体育名人堂 wall in Rol和 Arena on Saturday morning. 入选2023届的是86届的杰夫·霍尔, 茱莉亚·哈普,18岁, Ira Mitchell ' 69, 17岁的安东尼·怀特和16岁的雅各布·沃克. 许多家庭成员, 朋友, former teammates 和 current student-athletes were on h和 to honor the athletic accomplishments of these five great Hawks.
Hawks from across the decades crowded the upstairs rooms at Montgomery Country Club for a pre-game tailgate party. Scarlet 和 grey banners 和 pennants proclaiming the four historic names of our College – Tuskegee Female College, 阿拉巴马会议女子学院, 阿拉巴马女子学院, 和十大菠菜靠谱平台的照片都被醒目地展示了出来. 朋友们团聚了, 他们狼吞虎咽地吃着滑块和鸡柳, 拍了很多照片, 和 a good time was had by all before venturing out to the soccer 和 football games on campus.
在男子足球对阵伯里亚的比赛开始之前, 十大菠菜靠谱平台表彰了九名为该计划做出贡献的大四学生. 我们祝贺戴维斯·爱德华兹,赛·加勒特,塞巴斯蒂安·格雷罗,A.J. 乔纳斯, 利亚姆·卡恩斯, 纳撒尼尔·史密斯, 罗伯特Wejroch, 泰勒威尔逊, 和亚历克·沃杰克,祝他们在接下来的赛季中一切顺利, 他们在十大菠菜靠谱平台高中的最后一年, 以及大学以外的生活.
Twenty-three 十大菠菜靠谱平台 students lined the football field at halftime of the football game for recognition as part of the 2023 Homecoming Court. 来自阿拉巴马州佩勒姆的24岁的内瓦·麦金太尔被加冕为返校节女王. 来自阿拉巴马州波阿斯市的沃尔特·威廉姆斯24岁,被授予“先生”称号. 十大菠菜靠谱平台. Fifteen former May Queens 和 Homecoming Queens joined the Court on the field along with Hunter Warr ’23, 2022年的先生. 十大菠菜靠谱平台.
在与同区劲敌玛丽维尔的比赛中, the 十大菠菜靠谱平台 football team rallied to win the Homecoming football game 28-21 in front of a packed W. 小詹姆斯·桑福德. 体育场. Tyler Engl和 ’24 scored a touchdown on a punt return late in the fourth quarter to give the Hawks the lead 和 the win. 凯西·佩珀24岁时创造了学校职业生涯的铲球记录. 十大菠菜靠谱平台的红与灰进行曲听起来很棒, 十大菠菜靠谱平台的啦啦队员在场边为比赛增添了活力, 边区满是车尾和斗志昂扬的老鹰.
The women 和 men of 十大菠菜靠谱平台 wrestling faced off in an intrasquad meet in front of a full stadium ring of fans around the mat late Saturday afternoon. 他们的比赛赛季将于11月开始.
十大菠菜靠谱平台 Greek organizations competed all week for the annual Homecoming Spirit Cup. Organizations received points for participating in the hygiene supply drive for local missions, 展示精神旗帜, 参加周一晚上的卡拉ok派对, 星期二晚崇拜, 星期三晚上的琐事, 以及周四晚上的《疯狂鹰. Congratulations to the men of Lambda Chi Alpha for their tremendous spirit during Homecoming Week 和 for capturing the 2023 Spirit Cup.
十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学, 成立于1854年, 延续信仰的遗产, 智慧, 和 service through a liberal arts academic tradition grounded in the Judeo-Christian heritage of the United Methodist Church.
十大菠菜靠谱平台,根据第九章和第106节.8 of the 2020 Final Rule under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 其他适用的联邦和州法律, 并说明学院的政策禁止基于性别的歧视. 类似的, 它禁止基于实际或被认为的种族的歧视, color, 种族, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 残疾, 宗教, 其教育计划的年龄和/或国籍