Enter to Grow in Wisdom
这是面向现实世界的教育. Critical thinking. Involved learning. Creative problem-solving.
From your first year forward, 你将面临超越舒适界限思考的挑战, to explore new ways of knowing, 去学习你的人生被召唤去做什么. 广泛的文科核心课程向你介绍你从未想过的科目和你从未考虑过的职业.
通过相关的学习机会,把你的教育掌握在自己手中, such as internships, student-faculty research, service, independent study, academic clubs. and honor societies. 你将带着一份充满课堂内外经验的简历毕业.
See Accreditation and Memberships 获取有关十大菠菜靠谱平台认证和学术关系的信息.
Academic Affairs
Senior Administrators
- Dr. Sarah Conrad Sours 主管学术事务的副校长兼学院院长
- Ms. Karla Gier教务处主任
- Dr. Michele Scharff Olson ’86, Director, Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Human Subjects Research; Senior Clinical Professor, “运动科学与体育
- Dr. Sara Shoffner 负责学生学业成功的主任
- Dr. William Young 主管课程和学术政策的副院长
Graduate Program
- The W. James Samford Jr. School of Graduate and Professional Studies; Dean: Dr. Maureen Kendrick Murphy ’78.
- 运动训练硕士 Dr. Jennifer Ballard , CAATE Program Administrator
- 商业、会计和数学学系, Dr. Jane Goodson , Chair
- 语言文学与传播系, Dr. Tom Perrin , Chair
- Department of the Library, Prof. Eric A. Kidwell , Chair
- 自然科学系, Dr. Paul Gier , Chair
- 心理与刑事司法学系, Dr. Kristine Copping , Chair
- 宗教与历史学系, Dr. Stephen Sours , Chair
- 运动科学与体育学系, Dr. Sara Shoffner , Chair
- 师范教育与美术学系, Dr. Kim Stephenson , Chair
Academic Services
- Maryann Mooney Beck ’92, Registrar
- Dr. Lisa Olenik Dorman, Dean of Academic Enrichment; Professor of Physical Education and Sports Studies; Section 504/ADA Coordinator; Director of Student Access Services
- 学院体育代表 : Dr. Sara Shoffner,体育管理学助理教授
- Dr. Sidney J. Stubbs, Vice President for Institutional Research and Accreditation; Office of Institutional Research
Houghton Memorial Library
- Mr. Eric A. Kidwell,图书馆馆长,第九条协调员
- Ms. Joel Godfrey, Administrative Assistant
- 霍顿纪念图书馆网站
- Dr. Lisa Olenik Dorman, Dean of Academic Enrichment
- 车站学术充实中心
- Dr. Tom Perrin 他是霍布斯荣誉项目和学术推广主任
- 乔伊斯和杜鲁门霍布斯荣誉项目
Presidential Scholars Program
- Bria Rochelle-Stephens ’18 ,Vice President for Strategic Academic Initiatives; Director of the Huntingdon Presidential Scholars Program